速報APP / 遊戲 / Hashtag Roundup

Hashtag Roundup



檔案大小:29 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 10.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Hashtag Roundup(圖1)-速報App

Hashtag Roundup develops and promotes (large amounts of) original content daily on Twitter.

Play along with our hosts/games. Be part of the 200+ top trending hashtags we create monthly on Twitter.

Notifications alert you when new games begin, so you’ll never miss another hashtag game again!

Are you ready to be an Ultimate Hashtag Warrior?

Hashtag Roundup(圖2)-速報App


[+] HASHTAG GAMES - Engage in current hashtag game events on Twitter. New games throughout the day.  

[+] NOTIFICATIONS - Get notified on your phone the moment a new hashtag game becomes active. Never miss a game!

[+] BEST OF LISTS - The best and most humorous tweets from select games are featured.

Hashtag Roundup(圖3)-速報App

[+] SCHEDULE – Full schedule of daily games and times

Simply copy and paste the hashtag from Hashtag Roundup into any of your favorite Twitter apps to tweet! The full tweeting functionality you’re familiar with is at your fingertips.

Several app login options are now available:: 1) Twitter login; 2) Facebook login; 3) Email login

As always have fun but remember: Hashtag games are addictive.

Hashtag Roundup(圖4)-速報App

Find us on Twitter at @HashtagRoundup

Hashtag Roundup(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad